Food Type
Description  Complete & balanced dog food suitable for all breeds Complete and balanced wuma! adult is formulated to keep dogs of all breeds and sizes, with regular activity levels, in optimal condition. Every nutritious serving contains beef and chicken as the protein source,...
Tsh. 250,000
Benefits YUMMINESS & STRENGTH Quality protein and fat levels make Monty & Me taste great and help keep your pal strong, healthy and in tip-top condition. GET UP & GO-GO-GO An ideal blend of essential nutrients, vitamins and mineral levels provide your...
Tsh. 112,500
Benefits YUMMINESS & STRENGTH Quality protein and fat levels make Monty & Me taste great and help keep your pal strong, healthy and in tip-top condition. GET UP & GO-GO-GO An ideal blend of essential nutrients, vitamins and mineral levels provide your...
Tsh. 212,500
  • Sold as pack of 10pcs

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Moreish Beef Flavoured Bars Highly nutritious, wagtastically delicious, BAGS O' WAGS are the treats dogs love to get and they're full of yummy goodness. Ingredients Corn starch, chicken meal, water, glycerine, propylene glycol, sugars, chicken fat, wheat gluten, sodium...
Tsh. 50,000
Puppies have very specific nutritional needs as not only are they constantly growing, but their organs are still very delicate. They, therefore, need a wholesome diet that is balanced and easy to digest. Montego Classic Puppy food is scientifically formulated with this in mind, using only the...
Tsh. 22,500
Features: Complete & Balanced: Nutrition for everyday feeding Protein: Source of high-quality protein and essential fatty acids. Only the best for your dogs: Contains optimum levels of protein, carbohydrates, fibre, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and absolutely no preservatives. Real...
Tsh. 7,500
Features: Complete & Balanced: Nutrition for everyday feeding Protein: Source of high-quality protein and essential fatty acids. Only the best for your dogs: Contains optimum levels of protein, carbohydrates, fibre, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and absolutely no preservatives. Real...
Tsh. 7,500
Description  Complete & balanced dog food suitable for all breeds Complete and balanced wuma! adult is formulated to keep dogs of all breeds and sizes, with regular activity levels, in optimal condition. Every nutritious serving contains beef and chicken as the protein source,...
Tsh. 137,500
Rich in high-quality ingredients, perfectly balanced and vitamin-enriched for health and vitality in puppies and adult dogs. WUMA! is vet and breeder recommended and is scientifically formulated by a leading animal nutritionist to be highly nutritional and completely balanced. WUMA! is...
Tsh. 144,000
ABOUT MONTY & ME  ADULT Monty & Me is a delicious, well-balanced food that’s got everything your best bud needs to stay healthy and happy! Benefits YUMMINESS & STRENGTH - Optimum protein and fat levels make Monty & Me taste great, help keep your little buddy strong,...
Tsh. 156,500
ABOUT MONTY & ME  PUPPY Monty & Me is a delicious, well-balanced food that’s got everything your best bud needs to stay healthy and happy! YUMMINESS & STRENGTH Optimum protein and fat levels not only make Monty & Me taste great and help keep your pal strong and in...
Tsh. 21,500
ABOUT KAROO  ALL BREED ADULT DOG At the peak of physical development, adult dogs require nutrition that enhances their physique and feeds their minds, while keeping them healthy and energetic. Scientifically formulated and nutrient-rich, Montego Karoo Adult’s super-premium, limited...
Tsh. 225,000
ABOUT KAROO  LARGE TO GIANT BREED PUPPY Large to giant breed puppies require nutrition that supports their rapidly growing skeletons, joints and cartilage during their early development. Scientifically formulated and nutrient-rich, Montego Karoo Puppy’s super-premium, limited...
Tsh. 244,000
Monty & Me Essential. Complete, Balanced and Affordable Adult Dog Food. A LIP-SMACKING ORIGINAL RECIPE, SUITABLE FOR ALL BREEDS. Monty & Me Essential is produced to the same high quality you can expect from all Montego products and has been carefully formulated to provide your pal with a...
Tsh. 47,500
Monty & Me is a high-quality, affordable alternative to grocery store brands, saving money without skimping on quality.Monty & Me is formulated to the same high standards as all Montego Pet Nutrition products while keeping the costs down where we can. The result is nutritionally balanced,...
Tsh. 62,500
Complete and balanced WUMA! PUPPY is formulated to give puppies of all breeds and sizes a strong start in life and all the energy they need for daily play. Every nutritious serving contains balanced proteins and fats, essential vitamins and minerals, as well as balanced omega fatty acids to...
Tsh. 19,000
Between our own expertise and insight from a leading authority on SA pet nutrition, Montego dog food formulation and production process have been refined and perfected over time. This is how we know Montego dog food provides the balance, digestibility and delicious flavor that Montego pets of...
Tsh. 21,500
Naturally balanced premium nutrition with added essential vitamins & minerals for a complete meal. To get the most out of life, an adult dog requires an optimally balanced diet, rich in nutrients, energy and flavour. Classic Adults premium formulation is tailored to deliver in all these areas,...
Tsh. 44,000
Montego Classic Adult is dog food made in the heart of the Karoo. Montego Classic Adult is for all breeds: from the age of 12 months for small and medium breeds or 24 months for Large and Giant breeds.  Montego Classic Adult dog food is a complete and balanced meal that is enticingly...
Tsh. 71,500
Montego Classic Adult is dog food made in the heart of the Karoo. Montego Classic Adult is for all breeds: from the age of 12 months for small and medium breeds or 24 months for Large and Giant breeds.  Montego Classic Adult dog food is a complete and balanced meal that is enticingly...
Tsh. 281,500
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