Naturez Basket Hazlenut Blanched 500g

Tsh. 26,500
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Blanched hazelnuts refer to hazelnuts that have had their skins removed. The blanching process involves briefly boiling the hazelnuts and then immediately cooling them down. After this, the skins become loose and can be easily rubbed off, revealing the smooth, light-colored nut underneath. Blanched hazelnuts are often preferred in certain recipes where a smoother texture or lighter appearance is desired.

Key Feature:

Skin Removal: The most prominent feature of blanched hazelnuts is that they have had their skins removed. The blanching process involves boiling the hazelnuts briefly and then cooling them rapidly. This causes the skins to loosen, making it easier to rub them off and reveal the smooth, light-colored nut inside.

Smooth Texture: The removal of the skins gives blanched hazelnuts a smoother texture compared to hazelnuts with skins. This can be desirable in recipes where a uniform and silky texture is preferred.

Lighter Appearance: Blanched hazelnuts have a lighter color compared to hazelnuts with skins, which can be advantageous in certain recipes where the appearance of the final product is important.

Versatility in Cooking: Blanched hazelnuts are versatile in the kitchen and can be used in both sweet and savory dishes. They work well in baking, desserts, salads, and various other culinary applications.

Hazelnut Flour Production: Blanched hazelnuts are often ground into flour, and this hazelnut flour can be used in gluten-free baking or as an alternative to traditional flours in various recipes.

Nutritional Content: Hazelnuts, whether blanched or not, are a good source of healthy fats, protein, dietary fiber, and various vitamins and minerals. The blanching process does not significantly alter the nutritional content of the hazelnuts.

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